
The top 5 benefits of site boards: Different types of site boards and their importance

The importance of site boards

If you are looking at what signage Colchester has to offer you may be wondering what site boards are and how they could benefit you and your company.

Site boards are boards or panels typically placed at a construction site or event location which provide basic information to help keep visitors and workers safe or to promote a service.

Site boards are essential for builders, tradesmen and construction workers to display important site information, safety requirements, temporary wayfinding or general advertising.

They are also an affordable way of promoting new housing development, so for example, if you are a builder working on a house you may want to have a board up to promote your services.

Whether it’s for building sites or housing developments, site boards are an important tool to grab attention. Irrespective of if the needs are for high-risk areas to warn of hazards, or for promotional purposes, we can ensure our signs will catch the eye and be noticed.

Site boards are an easy and cost-efficient way to advertise, point out procedures or be used as information boards with clear signage.

Our site boards can be made in any size and we can see you through the whole process, from the design stage to the manufacturing and installation stages.

There are many benefits to site boards but we’ve decided to list the top five benefits they may have for you and your business below.

1. Increased visibility

Your signage can offer increased visibility to passers-by and workers alike. We can offer graphic solutions, using bright colours and weather-proof materials of any size to offer you the best visibility for your signage. This is important when site boards need to be noticed, we can make them so that they are bold enough so they will not be missed.

Site boards on metallic gate

2. Brand promotion

Site boards can be great for brand promotion, especially if you are advertising something.

Even when they are not promotional signage, the professional look and feel of the signage can enhance your brand's overall image and will encourage people to consider your company as a trustworthy one.

3. Cost-effective

Site boards can be a cost-effective way to promote or educate your audience. Once they’ve been installed they require minimal maintenance and can be left up for extended periods of time to grab the required attention.

4. Versatility and safety

Site boards can be as versatile as you need them to be, as we design them bespoke for each customer. We can help you decide on the right sizes, colours, designs and graphic solutions. We can help you choose the most suitable materials to use and what will fit best with your budget. You’re also not alone with the safety of installation as we will be happy to do this for you too. Having the correct site boards that you need will enhance the safety of your site.

5. Effective communication

Signs help to communicate messages of safety, help both workers and visitors to understand what’s going on and effectively let something be known, whether it is a sign to use goggles on site, how to get around somewhere or hazard prevention, this signage can be crucial for conveying a message and effectively communicating the needed and important information.

For professionally designed, manufactured and installed site boards, get in touch

We hope we’ve been able to highlight some of the reasons why site boards can be so crucial for safety and promotional purposes and why we believe we’re the right people to help from graphic solutions and design to installation and everything in between. If there’s anything else you’d like to know about site boards or what we believe is the best signage Colchester has to offer just contact our friendly team and we’ll be happy to help.